When you purchase from kareneparis.com, we protect your privacy. We do not sell, rent, or exchange customer information. We share identifiable information only with those parties entrusted with the processing of your account and the fulfillment of your order. We've established procedures to protect your privacy, which we vigorously uphold. Of course, this policy does not apply to information we disclose in cooperation with law enforcement agencies, or information we are required to disclose by law.
Occasionally, kareneparis.com will conduct research towards the goal of improving customer service and may sometimes use a third party in this endeavor. When any third party contacts you in this regard, they will indicate that they are calling on behalf of kareneparis.com. In these cases, customers who ask to be removed from further contact from kareneparis.com will be excluded.
When you register with, or are a member of, a kareneparis.com recognized third party affinity program and initiate your kareneparis.com purchase through that program, kareneparis.com will forward to the affinity program the information it requires to update your affinity program account.
Customer information is gathered so we can better serve you, and we make every possible effort to ensure its security and to treat your information responsibly. When you become a kareneparis.com customer, we ask for your name, address, e-mail address, and phone number. We also ask for your credit card number and its expiration date, should you select that method for payment. Once we have your credit card information, we will not ask for it again unless a change is required, or you request shipping to another address. Your order history information is maintained in order to service your account.
From time to time, you may receive mail or email from kareneparis.com, or agents of kareneparis.com, in order to update your account or communicate information that we believe will be of interest to you. At any time, you may request your name be removed from any of these methods of communication. Simply relay your request to a customer service representative and your name will be removed from the appropriate list.
If you have any questions regarding kareneparis.com 's privacy policy, you may email us through contact@eglobalskincare.com. Please be sure to include your e-mail address so we may respond to your questions. SkinCareJungle.com reserves the right to modify, change or replace this policy at its discretion.